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Indulge in sensorial exploration

The Iconic School in Bhopal

Guidance And Counselling Cell

The Iconic School recognizes the growth of each person socially, spiritually, morally and intellectually within the school community. We endeavour to nurture and support the development of each student in our care, through a comprehensive Guidance and Counselling program. Counselling and Guidance provision is an integral part of all aspects of school life. The School Counsellor is the central person responsible for continuous development of counselling & guidance process. Our Counsellor not only bridges the gap between teachers and students but also looks after parents-teachers relationship.

To complement the program, we offer one-to-one guidance and counselling on request or by referral, to all. The available counselling by counsellor is in the following aspects:

  • Personal Counselling – Our Counsellor guides the child towards the 360 degree aspects of life. Every child has a different potential and the counsellor helps students to understand this. Students are taught to enhance positive strengths, develop emotionally and most importantly learn to understand that it is okay to be different. If required, Psychological test for anxiety, depression and family background is also conducted to help them raise self-esteem and confidence.
  • Career Guidance and Admission counselling for Universities – Our Counsellor assesses through modern psychological instruments and along with the result – discusses, analyses and reach to the correct subject choices for the student. The students are guided along through their years in school and the counsellor makes sure that every child is to be given importance. From college admissions to career options, to writing applications for admissions - the hand-holding continues until after the final exams are over.
  • Academic Achievement- Our counselling involves planning the academic path of the student, supporting them through the academic career, keeping track of their progress and reviewing their achievements. The counsellor keeps in touch with the teaching staff and the parents to ensure the student gets support in class and at home.
  • Program for Children With Special Needs - Our Counsellor with the special educator support and assist in catering to the special children. The special educator helps the CWSN students to gain confidence and cope up with the normal class.
  • Educators Counselling Program – Our Counsellor takes regular session for the educator in a proper structured way. Also, constant observation is also done in order to improve in class relationship of child and educator.
  • Parents Counselling Program – We have a well organised plan for the parents counselling scheduled in the school calendar. Guest speakers are also invited for parental counselling programs.
  • Break Module for Students – The module provides an organised way of training for the students in order to give them age appropriate life lessons.